woman working in florists

The rising cost of doing business

We know that operating costs are soaring for many businesses. If you’re starting to feel the impact, please get in touch as we may be able to help.

Rising costs are impacting businesses in Northern Ireland regardless of sector. If you’re feeling concerned about the impact of the rising costs of doing business, please talk to our specialist staff to see how we can help. The sooner you speak to us, the more we may be able to support you.

Have your business circumstances changed?

If your business circumstances are changing, or you’re considering a change in the near future, it may help to talk to us. This change could be:

  • Ceasing to trade: You may be pausing the business due to a change in circumstances, or winding it up altogether
  • Selling the business
  • Succession planning or retirement

Whatever your reasons, please let us know by speaking to your relationship manager or small business adviser directly or by requesting a call back using our web form. The more we know about your specific circumstances, the more we can support you and your business through these changes.

Money worries are about more than just your finances

If you’re feeling the pressure, there are many independent organisations who can help you, from giving free debt advice to providing mental health well-being guidance for you and your staff.

Support outside of Danske Bank

Support for those who are self-employed

If you are self-employed and struggling with the rising cost of doing business, there are organisations who can help. Find out more about tailored support and guidance available.

Learn more

If you are also a personal banking customer, we have support available. Visit our Money Worries Hub for more information.

Want to get in touch?

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